
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hermès Scarf - Perfume Bottles - Qu'Importe le Flacon

Looks like the collection has way too many reds and a few blacks - it's time for a different color.

My favorite color is periwinkle, and I was tickled when this became available.  I was also looking forward to it because I had bought a red plissée scarf in the same perfume bottle pattern.

The title of this scarf is "Qu'Import le Flacon, Pourvu qu'on ait l'Ivresse?"
You could translate that as, "Who cares about the bottle, as long as we get drunk?
But, of course, "flacon" is also used as another word perfume bottle, which is what are depicted on the scarf.

The quote is from the poet, Alfred de Musset. in a dramatic poem, "La Coupe et les Lèvres," written in 1831. 
"Aimer est le grand point, qu'importe la maîtresse?
Qu'importe le flacon pourvu qu'on ait l'ivresse?"

Love is the main point, no matter who the mistress is.  
The bottle doesn't matter as long as we get drunk.

As an aside, de Musset was one of
the many lovers of George Sand.

The title is shown at the top and bottom of the scarf.

The corners contain the logo and copyright.

There is no signature of the artist, Catherine Baschet.  1988

This is not a new scarf, and it has been well loved.  

There are some spots and a pull or two, but they are not apparent when the scarf is worn.

And since it is in less than perfect condition, I will feel free to wear it and enjoy it!

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