
Monday, April 13, 2020

Naan 2020

Tired of the same old, same old.  Something different is needed.  That will be naan.  Haven't made it in a while.  Looking at recipes on the web and ones I've used in the past, I decided to experiment.  Here are the results:

1/2 c water
1 t sugar
5.3 oz yogurt
2 cups flour

I always use the stand mixer, and today was no different.
I combined the ingredients, except for the salt.  

I have liked using a technique called "autolyse", which basically means combine the ingredients except for salt, and let it rest for 30+ minutes.  (Some recipes hold out the yeast, too).  
King Arthur Flour has an interesting, fairly technical article on autolyse:

After a rest, add the salt (and yeast) then knead for 10 minutes or so.

After the first rise (90 minutes or so) the dough was divided into 8 pieces and the pieces were shaped into balls.  After a rest of 20 min, the dough was flattened into shape for naan.

The frypan was heated and the breads were cooked one-at-a-time.  As they were cooking, they were brushed with melted butter.

When one side had nice leopardy brown spots, the bread was flipped to the other side to finish cooking.

As each got done, it was put into a 200º oven to keep warm.

They were delicious.  A bit chewy, which I like!

The naan should hold up well with curry!
This recipe is a good one!

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