
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quick Easy and Delicious for Supper

We are always looking for something different for supper.  And now that we are self-isolating during the COVID-19 worries, food becomes even more important.

Now, as background, you should know that the few times we go out for meals, we never choose a diner or traditional food.  Out first choices tend to be Thai or Vietnamese.   In a pinch any other Asian or Indian will do.  Last winter, sick of all the same-old, same-old at home, we decided to check out an Asian supermarket in the Binghamton area.  That was an interesting experience, and we got all kinds of noodles and small cans of sauces.

We also got this sauce:

I guess I just liked the looks, because we had never tried it before.

You can get more information and store locator at the company website:  The store locator was helpful, since there is no way we could remember which store had this!  Turns out that it's available in nearby towns, but not here. . . 

In the fridge there were carrots, celery, mushrooms, and the cupboards had rice and onions.
The freezer had partial packages of shrimp and scallops.

I par-cooked some of the veggies in the microwave, then put them in a pot with the sauce.

The rice was cooking away while the veggies warmed in the sauce.

At the last minute the seafood went in (so as not to overcook).

It was excellent!  Not very pretty, but very tasty!

We have put this on the list for future dinners. 

Only half the jar was used for this meal.
There is a chicken breast in the freezer and with veggies from the fridge, we're set for another dinner!

Looking forward to it!


For the "What did you learn today?" file:
Food stylists earn their salary!
I am not a food stylist.

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