
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Pizzelle Part 4

Well, the pizzelle iron survived the flood.   After an amazing amount of cleaning (do you know how many nooks and crannies there are when you have to remove all the silt?) and then re-seasoning, it was possible to make a batch of cookies.

Alas, in the middle of batch 2, it stopped working.  After taking it apart, D found a broken wire.

Perhaps there was enough slack to pull it together.
Sadly, the wire was too friable and kept breaking.
  Time for a new iron.

I couldn't find the identical one on Amazon, but this one is close.

The new iron, using the last half of the old recipe made cakey, thick pizzelles.  


In the picture above, one is being held vertically so that you can see the thickness.

This is rather difficult to clean, but perhaps, as it seasons it will get better.

Finally found the recipe I like.
It's crispy and thin.  Sweet, but not too sweet.  Easy to bend if you need to make cones or other. . .

I found it worked best if I popped them in the oven at 200 for about 20 minutes to get them really crisp.

The recipe is great.  Now, I just need to figure out the timing.

The recipe has these ingredients:

  •  6 eggs
  •  1 cup butter(melted)  227g
  •  1½ cups sugar  300g   (probably could use less)
  •  Pinch of salt
  •  1 teaspoon anise extract (probably needed more)
  •  1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  •  3½ cups all-purpose flour  440g

FWIW, my family pronounces this Peet-ZELL

1 comment:

R. said...

Maybe the thickening was just because it sat too long?

Also, If you are going to bake them to crisp them, you could make ice cream cups by inverting a muffin pan and shaping the pizzelle over the inverted cups to bake.