
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pound Cake

I needed a "Dish to Pass" for a dinner.
Some of the strawberries are ripe, so I thought, "shortcake".
Well, I don't like biscuits as shortcake, so
I spent a long time looking up recipes,
checking pinterest,
America's Test Kitchen,
various famous chefs. . .

And came back to the always excellent Joy of Cooking. This is the pound cake from the 1964 edition.

It makes two loaves with 3/4 pound of butter and 8 eggs.
If you would like the recipe, let me know.

It's really excellent.
I had some plain.  D had some raspberry coulis.
We agreed that we should have whipped some cream.

I plan to soak some with Grand Marnier.
I'll serve the cake with strawberries and whipped cream.


Kim B said...

How was it with the Grand Marnier...yum! :)

L or D said...

Well, I took 6 servings with Grand Marnier and 6 servings without. I brought home or gave away the plain ones!