
Friday, July 17, 2015

A Money Gift

We usually give a check for the kid's birthday.  This year is a special one, and since the check tends to sit uncashed for months, we thought about giving cash.  But how to do it?  In a card? Just hand it out?

A web search found a solution.  Origami money.  Oh, yeah, but you need talent for that.  And the ability to follow complicated directions.  That's a smallish problem.  We tried quite a few samples we found online - hearts, chains, boxes.  Sigh.  But this one turned out quite well and was surprisingly easy.

Fold the sides toward the center.

Fold the bill in half to make a crease.

Fold the corners to meet the center crease.

Fold the top to the center crease.

Fold the bottom to the center crease.

Fold it in half along the center crease.

Put three or four together.

Fasten at the center.

Gently open the petals.

And the final product.


awwos said...

Way cool! There are some simple ones, but most require a square of paper, not a rectangle. Thanks for sharing this idea. I love it.

Rose 10e said...

Excellent! Perfect for a clutter-free & useful gift.

L or D said...

We thought we were clever giving cash rather than have the check hang around. Nine years later, we learn that she has kept the flowers!