
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Little Snake

Today D brought home a little friend.

Tommy is fascinated.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Golden Sunset

The colors this time of year (end of August) are so different from other season's colors.  So golden.
This photo is taken from the same place as the fog picture from the August morning..

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Foggy Morning

This morning was foggy but bright.

The Autumn Bliss raspberries have been remarkable.

We have picked several quarts.  It makes wonderful juice.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Potato Harvest

We have had some delicious fresh potatoes - red ones (Sangre)for potato salad, (Yukon Gold) for salad and mashing, a new-to-us baking potato (Gold Rush) that was marvelous, and a darling fingerling (La Ratte) (boiled and buttered with parsley).

D has begun harvesting the potatoes for storage.  The tabletops and beds in the dark, spare bedroom are covered with drying potatoes.  But this one is special.
A manly potato.

Monday, August 4, 2014


 Today we picked the last of the gooseberries.   We have a half-dozen bushes.  Picking is a bit annoying, since you have to pull each berry separately, then remove both the stem and blossom end.   Also, the berries do not ripen all at once, so you have to leave the green ones (except when they come off with the ripe ones!).

Here's a large cereal bowl of gooseberries.

You can see the stems and blossom ends that must be removed.

After cleaning the gooseberries, at Chris' recommendation, I treated them as I would blueberries for pie.
A bit of juice, cornstarch, Spenda.

Ready to eat!