
Saturday, June 18, 2011

June with Berries, Chicks, Garden & Dog

One of the broody hens has been sitting on eggs for over a month.
Another one had one chick.
A different one had two chicks.
But the third just sat and sat and sat.
We decided that her eggs were not viable,
so we went to Frog Pond and bought five pullets.
(Pullet is a girl baby.)
The fifth chick is probably under her keeping warm.
We were worried that she would not take to them - or them to her - but everyone seems quite content.

The dog enjoys the chickens, especially now that he has figured out that he can steal eggs if they lay them in the bushes. That's a disadvantage of keeping free-ranging chickens and dogs.

We tried never giving him raw egg so he wouldn't discover it,
but he's not as stupid as he looks.
The strawberry beds are caged in case the chickens get through the fence.
There are two hills of berries and one fallow area for next year.
They are just starting to turn.
The berries are a French berry, Mara des Bois, prized for its flavor.
They do not keep and they do not ship well.
Restaurants pay a premium because of the flavor.

There are none ready yet - sigh.
There is a great article in Smithsonian Magazine about them.
The raspberries are not ready yet, either.
Sigh, again.

But I could be picking Swiss chard.
Not quite the same. . .

June 18 - one of the gardens.
Happy Gardening!

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