
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sausage McMuffin, Three Months Later

Well, at the end of the school year, I just put my things aside, and I never emptied my bookbag until today.

I was surprised to see a McDonald's bag. It didn't smell, so I assumed it was empty.


I think I must have bought two and only had time to eat one Sausage McMuffin way back in June.

Now, three months later...

No smell. No mold. Rock hard.

Even after the most humid summer on record.

What does that tell us?


Gwen said...

Oh My!! How disgusting!! Believe it or not, this burger is 12 YEARS old!!

L or D said...

Well, I can tell you what it says. I have continued to enjoy McD coffee, but I have not been able to bring myself to get any food. . .