
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Keets are out.
The hen yard was getting crowded, so D chased the keets out.
They are 10 weeks old. They tend to hang out together.
I hope they are devouring lots of bugs!
The reason for the overcrowding?
D was able to get 12 hens and a rooster.
They are buff orpingtons.
They have the reputation of being broody,
being good mothers, and
surviving cold winters.
They are beginning to settle in.
The first hens were getting old, and we were getting
only about 3 eggs a day. There should be more now.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

So, what does one do with old hens? Do you keep them going hoping that they will pass all of their egg rearing knowledge along or make them soup??