
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Hermès Scarf - Festival


When I first began looking at Hermès scarves, I was drawn to the primary colors and the black and gold ones.  But, now, some of the other colorways are calling me (notice how I snuck in the fashion term!  Like I know what I'm talking about!).  

This scarf is called "Festival".  Hermès was originally a leather company designing fine quality saddles and other horse equipment.  This may be why there are so many horse-themed scarves.
The title is shown in the top center.

It was designed by Henri d'Origny in 1992.  I did not find his signature.

Candy took this as a challenge and was able to find the signature, H d'Origny, on the bottom right corner.

The copyright is in the top left corner.  The style of care label and the Hermes © suggest this is between 1987 and 1998.

Like all the scarves, this scarf drapes beautifully and the heavy silk feels wonderful.

Vogue in Australia reminds us of the pronunciation:


"Correct pronunciation: ehr-mez. Hermès is French, so the ‘h’ is silent. While usually in French if a word ends in 's' it is silent, the grave accent on the second 'e' means that the 's' is very softly pronounced." 

To see the other Hermès scarves I have blogged, click here.

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