
Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Garden in the Middle of April 2020

Mother Nature has a sense of humor.  

We have two kinds of daffodils blooming now.  At least I think we do!  On April 16, we woke up to this view.  The disk on a pole is the sundial, and at the base of the sundial are crocus.  With a lot of imagination, you can see a daffodil or two.  The basil and parsley are on the windowsill, hoping that the sun will appear.

Here is a still-life with forsythia and daffodil.

The daffodils were brought in yesterday because the wind was knocking them over.

D is making a lasagna bed with cardboard and barn clearings from a horse barn.

We have caged lots of plants - after a critter gnawed down a bunch of tulips.

The tall leafy plants in the picture above are fritillaria, Crown Imperial.
They look like they belong in a medieval tapestry.
They smell like skunk.

We caged this new peony - they tend to be floppy, and this may help.

It will be nice to have some warm weather to enjoy the garden.
Right now it's lunchtime, snowing, and 34º.
For now, I'll be content with the view from my window.


Becky said...

I see the artist in you is coming out with that lovely arrangement of sunny yellow flowers and that Hermes scarf. I was delighted to see the design that is so hidden in your pleated scarf.
Most of the snow is gone now and most bulbs are accustomed to this kind of elevator spring weather.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world, too! Our snow is gone except in the north corners of things, but we are still getting hard freeze warnings. Weather is just plain weird this year!